Bond, Oliver, Felicity Meakins, and Rachel Nordlinger. “Prominent Possessor Indexing in Gurindji.” In Prominent Internal Possessors, 80–106. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Börjars, Kersti, Rachel Nordlinger, and Louisa Sadler. Lexical-Functional Grammar: An Introduction. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Carew, Margaret, Jennifer Green, Inge Kral, Rachel Nordlinger, and Ruth Singer. “Getting in Touch: Language and Digital Inclusion in Australian Indigenous Communities.” Language Documentation and Conservation 9 (2015): 307–23.
Chiang, Yu-Ting, Helen Zhao, and Rachel Nordlinger. “Bridging Australian Indigenous Language Learner’s Guides with SLA Materials Development Frameworks.” Language and Education 36, no. 6 (2021): 487–508.
Davidson, Lucinda, Barbara Kelly, Gillian Wigglesworth, and Rachel Nordlinger. “Language Input and Child-Directed Speech.” In The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages, 697–704. Oxford Guides to the World’s Languages. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Estival, Dominique, Cathy Bow, John Henderson, Barbara Kelly, Mary Laughren, Elisabeth Mayer, Diego Mollá, et al. “Australia Loves Language Puzzles: The Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad (OzCLO).” Language and Linguistics Compass 8, no. 12 (December 1, 2014): 659–70.
Fletcher, Janet, Evan Kidd, Hywel Stoakes, and Rachel Nordlinger. “Prosodic Phrasing, Pitch Range, and Word Order Variation in Murrinhpatha.” In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, 201–5. Canberra: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association, 2022.
Forshaw, William, Lucinda Davidson, Barbara Kelly, Rachel Nordlinger, Gillian Wigglesworth, and Joseph Blythe. “The Acquisition of Murrinhpatha (Northern Australia).” In The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis, 473–94. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Hurst, Peter, and Rachel Nordlinger. “An LFG Approach to Icelandic Reciprocal Constructions.” In Modular Design of Grammar, edited by I Wayan Arka, Ash Asudeh, and Tracy Holloway King, 103–21. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
Kelly, Barbara, William Forshaw, Rachel Nordlinger, and Gillian Wigglesworth. “Linguistic Diversity in First Language Acquisition Research: Moving beyond the Challenges.” First Language 35, no. 4–5 (2015): 286–304.
Kelly, Barbara, and Rachel Nordlinger. “Fieldwork and First Language Acquisition.” In Selected Papers from the 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society. Melbourne: University of Melbourne, 2014.
Kelly, Barbara, Gillian Wigglesworth, Rachel Nordlinger, and Joseph Blythe. “The Acquisition of Polysynthetic Languages.” Language and Linguistics Compass 8, no. 2 (2014): 51–64.
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Koch, Harold, and Rachel Nordlinger. The Languages and Linguistics of Australia: A Comprehensive Guide. Vol. 3. The World of Linguistics. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2014.
Macqueen, Susy, Ute Knoch, Gillian Wigglesworth, Rachel Nordlinger, Tim McNamara, and Rhianna Brickle. “An Investigation of the Impact of National Standardized Literacy and Numeracy Testing on Children in Remote Indigenous Communities of Australia.” Language Testing, 2018. 10.1177/0265532218775758.
Macqueen, Susy, Ute Knoch, Gillian Wigglesworth, Rachel Nordlinger, Ruth Singer, Tim McNamara, and Rhianna Brickle. “The Impact of National Standardized Literacy and Numeracy Testing on Children and Teaching Staff in Remote Australian Indigenous Communities.” Language Testing 36, no. 2 (2018): 265–87.
Mansfield, John, and Rachel Nordlinger. “Demorphologization and Deepening Complexity in Murrinhpatha.” In The Complexities of Morphology, edited by Peter Arkadiev and Francesco Gardani, 52–80. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Mansfield, John, Carmen Saldana, Peter Hurst, Rachel Nordlinger, Sabine Stoll, Balthasar Bickel, and Andrew Perfors. “Category Clustering and Morphological Learning.” Cognitive Science 46, no. 2 (2022): e13107.
Meakins, Felicity. “Language Contact Varieties.” In The Languages and Linguistics of Australia: A Comprehensive Guide, edited by Harold Koch and Rachel Nordlinger, 365–416. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2014.
Meakins, Felicity, and Rachel Nordlinger. A Grammar of Bilinarra: An Australian Aboriginal Language of the Northern Territory. Vol. 640. Pacific Linguistics. Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2014.
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Nordlinger, Rachel. “Australian Languages and Syntactic Theory.” In The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages, 31–36. Oxford Guides to the World’s Languages. Oxford University Press, 2023.
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Nordlinger, Rachel, D Estival, J Henderson, B Kelly, M Laughren, E Mayer, D Molía, et al. “Australia Loves Language Puzzles: The Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad (OzCLO).” Language and Linguistics Compass 8, no. 12 (2014): 659–70.
Nordlinger, Rachel, Gabriela Garrido Rodriguez, and Evan Kidd. “Sentence Planning and Production in Murrinhpatha, an Australian ‘free Word Order’ Language.” Language 98, no. 2 (2022): 187–220.
Nordlinger, Rachel, Ian Green, and Peter Hurst. “Working at the Interface: The Daly Languages Project.” In Archival Returns in Central Australia and Beyond, 193–216. LD&C Special Publication 18. Honolulu & Sydney: University of Hawai’i Press & Sydney University Press, 2019.
Nordlinger, Rachel, and John Mansfield. “Positional Dependency in Murrinhpatha: Expanding the Typology of Non-Canonical Morphotactics.” Linguistics Vanguard 7, no. 1 (2021): 2020079.
Nordlinger, Rachel, and Louisa Sadler. “Morphology in Lexical-Functional Grammar and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.” In The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
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Nurlanyma Grueman, Molly, Minnie Niyamarrama Nimara, Mavis Bangarinya Hogan, Powder Bangarinju O’Keefe, Peggy Yarrburrngalina Mawson, Katie Banduluka Baker, Pompey Jack Warnbiyaji, et al. Wambaya, Gudanji, Binbinka and Ngarnka Plants and Animals: Aboriginal Biocultural Knowledge from Gulf of Carpentaria and the Barkly Tablelands, North Australia. Tennant Creek: Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security & Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation, 2021.
Ormond-Parker, Lyndon, Marcia Langton, Sharon Huebner, Jasper Coleman, Caden Pearson, Robyn Sloggett, Rachel Nordlinger, Kristen Smith, and Ken Clarke. “When Magnets Collide: Digital Preservation and Access of at-Risk Audiovisual Archives in a Remote Aboriginal Community.” Melbourne: Melbourne Networked Society Institute, 2016.
Ross, Bella, Janet Fletcher, and Rachel Nordlinger. “The Alignment of Prosody and Clausal Structure in Dalabon.” Australian Journal of Linguistics 36, no. 1 (2016): 1–27.
Sadler, Louisa, and Rachel Nordlinger. “Morphology in LFG and HPSG.” In Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory, 212–43. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.